Friday, December 18, 2009

You Want To Know Why They Call It Blind Dating?

Wednesday night was my ward's annual Christmas party. I live in an affluent area of SLC so our Christmas parties tend to be a little bit, er, different than the usual ward party fare. We held it at the Marriott, had a nice catered meal (secretly, I think it's because the ward is afraid that if we asked people to go pot-luck style, people would sign up and then not actually follow through), and also held an auction. The proceeds of the auction were donated to a little girl who's in need of a liver transplant. It was nice to give back to a family in need.

We tried to make the party well rounded. There was karaoke and even a live comic. OMG . . . why do we think that live comics are a good idea? They never are. I feel partially responsible. I think it may have been me who suggested that idea.

A girl on the committee said she knew a guy who knew a guy (I know . . . I should have known) and she had seen his act. She referred to him as awkward. I was thinking Michael Scott awkward and I was all for it.

Um, no. If Michael Scott were a real person and somehow showed up at our Christmas party ready to do stand up, it would have been a welcome (and blessed) surprise. Instead we got a guy who sounded . . . dare I say it? . . . special ed. Seriously. I kept thinking he had hit his head or something.

His quote of the night:

Do you want to know why we call it blind dating? Because you get so nervous and then your nipples get hard and it's like reading braille.

Oh, have mercy. He did not just say that.


Awkward silence.

I was mortified.

So just in case you've ever wondered why it's called blind dating, there you have it.

On the plus side, we raised about $6000 for Lulu!


Coordination Queen said...

oh my. wow. yeah, that about sums it up.

Rachel said...

Um, I feel like I must comment. And the only proper response is Wow. And I agree we should have a sew day :).

Christy said...

Whoa nelly.

I was recently informed that the Bishop is supposed to speak to the bishop of the person coming to present at an activity, if said person lives outside the ward. You know, just to make sure they're not the type to present off-the-wall ideas to masses of people.

This, dear activities committee chair, whomever you may be, is exactly why said rule has been set in place.

Wow. Guess you'll never forget this Christmas dinner!

Jill said...

Someone said that at a church function???? @#$@#$!!!

Charlotta-love said...

Oh wow.

(I couldn't help it but I just laughed at the awkwardness of that night. Wo-ow.)