Thursday, March 31, 2011

Work Shenanigans

Yes, we moved this bad boy. And yes, it made for a very long weekend. Still tired, but happy at how smooth everything went. Check it out.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Lucky One

Some people get lucky...and I am definitely one of them. I've had some good friends over the years (you know who you are) and these two are certainly among the finest. I met Annie and Rachel back in my Turnberry days at a pretty low point in my life. I was insecure, overweight, and had a terrible time meeting people and making friends. These two were immediate kindred spirits. Every Tuesday night we would do something together--dinner, Institute, a movie, card making--you name it, we did it. Over the years we still get together and it's always like we saw each other just the day before. They know all of my secrets and still love me anyway. The night this picture was taken, Rachel and I took Annie wedding dress shopping since she'll be getting married soon and moving away to Arizona! My heart breaks a little at the thought. But like I said, I am the lucky one.

Friday, March 25, 2011

Buck Up, Little Camper

I've started doing this thing, which I think slightly annoys everyone, but I do it anyway. I'll see a friend of mine at work and I'll say, "Hi, little buddy." All of these friends are invariably male and they all take offense at the phrase "little buddy." One guy even once responded, "Um, hi...big buddy."

I guess guys don't take too kindly with the idea of being referred to as "little"?

So one day my co-worker Tad walked up to me and I burst out, "Hi, little buddy!"

He gave me the crustiest look before responding, "I'm not THAT little."

Whoa. Okay. That is not what I meant. He's a dude and I'm short. All guys are bigger than me. Even the short ones (like him, lol).

I laughed it off and told him he needed to relax.

Turns out I got a little karmic retribution a week later when another co-worker texted me with the phrase, "Buck up, little camper."

When he texted me that message I was away in a meeting and had left my phone at my desk. I did not respond. He instantly became paranoid that he had hurt my feelings (usually I'm all for some quippy banter).

His response: And then there was silence.

My response (once I got to my phone): I'm still mulling over the fact that you called me "little camper."

His response: It had nothing to do with your stature, I assure you.

My response: No, it's not that. It's just that I don't camp.