Thursday, October 23, 2008

I Love Fall

We are in my favorite season of year--Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas. I LOVE the holidays, the way the seasons change and how excited everyone gets. Sadly, we don't get much of a fall in Utah, but I don't mind so much. I love the leaves changing and I love the arrival of the first snow . . . even if we got our first snow two weeks ago. I'm choosing to ignore that, mostly because I need to buy a new coat so obviously I'm not ready.

Pumpkins from my roommate Allyson's parents' house. I love how wobbly and squished they look.

Halloween decorations!

I must admit, I'm always drawn to acorn decor in the fall. I need more because all I have are these little bad boys.
One of the drawbacks to our lack of fall is if you blink, the leaves have already changed color and fallen to the ground. The leaves haven't quite changed, but they're getting there.


Alicia said...

I agree. I love Fall and how it changes into the Holiday season. But I'm partial to leaf deocorations myself.

Shauna said...

Hey I ♥ your blog :) Thanks for sharing!