Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Adventures in World Traveling 1.1

How excited was I when I checked my bank account today and discovered that I had a negative balance? Super excited (read: sarcasm). I immediately blamed myself for buying my plane ticket--I knew I was going to be cutting it close but my calculations prior to the ticket told me I'd be fine and now my bank account was telling me I'd made an egregious error. However, as I continued to look at my account I discovered that American Airlines charged me twice for my ticket. Whoa! It certainly had a nasty effect on my bank account. Luckily, I called them up and they took care of the problem right away. I was a little nervous I'd have to haggle with them or demand to speak to a manager (you know those horror stories when businesses cheat you money and then insist that it's your fault) but they were actually really nice about it. Whew! I'm not going to lie, my heart is still racing. What's the antidote to a panic attack?

1 comment:

Coordination Queen said...

Yikes. That would definitely stress me out too.