Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Ah, BYU, Why Must You Play With My Heart?

Seriously BYU? Seriously? The one thing I believe in--BYU Men's Volleyball--and you can't even do that? As a reprisal to my previous blog post about my adventures of trying, and failing, to get to the NCAA Men's National Volleyball Championships, I am pleased to report that my buddy Erik and I made it there. We both even wore blue. If you look, we're wearing the exact same color which I find kinda funny. It's not exactly a common color of blue. We sat down to watch the game and Erik asked, "Where's BYU?" Yeah . . . not there. Picture me, crushed. However, it was pretty fun anyway. We only went to the semifinals so I can't tell you who won, I'll admit that my excitement dissipated when I discovered BYU hadn't even made it to the semifinals. But volleyball's volleyball. I'll admit, I do enjoy it.

Our gum matched our shirts.

I hate to sound vain, but I kinda look good in this picture. Why was Erik making a stupid face when it could have been the world's cutest picture? I would have framed it and shown it to everyone I know. I guess the difference between girls and boys. And see what I mean? We're both wearing teal. Like-minded.

Yeah, if you won't take a good picture I'm going to stalk you with my camera.

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