Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Official Duh! of the Day

This was on CNN's website:

Childless Marriages Less Stressful.

Huh. I'd never thought of that. It doesn't make sense to me at all. To all my married friends out there . . . please explain.


Coordination Queen said...

It means you can be as selfish as you want and only one other person is affected by it. And you only have to take care of yourself.

Christy said...

Ha ha! Whom ever wrote that(not to mention whom ever approved that to actually run) should probably lose his/her job. The equivalent headline: "2 is More Than 1!!!!"

mrs. jar said...

Try infertility. Not so stress-free.

mrs. jar said...

I tried to find this article. Do you have the link? Please excuse my previous comment, but some things just really piss me off! :) I get a lot of dumb comments on how "life must be so much easier without kids" for me. Ya know. All the normal crap from people who always seem to know EVERYTHING! Ahhhh, by the way, how are ya? How is the move going?

Charlotta-love said...

I'm going for the Marriageless Marriages Less Stressful. Seems to be working thus far.

Putman's said...

Well I havnt read the article but here is my take...Yes, it is less stressful to not have a child. But as a health educator teacher I think back to a recent lesson on stress; there is distress (bad), and uestress (good)(spelling??). Having a baby will add stress into your life, how could it not, you now have to abandon your selfish desires and care for another, much needer, person all the time. That being said, whether it is good or bad stress...well that is for each person to decide. We Just had our first child and it is stressful, but it is some of the best stress you can put yourself through.
Hope that helps!